Friday, July 3, 2009

Take me out to the ballgame!


We had a great time at the ballgame tonight! My parents came out with us for a Jacksonville Suns game, followed by great fireworks.

We purposely got to the game a couple of innings late, because an entire game would have been a long time to keep the kids happy. The Suns were down 3-0. Right after we got there though, the tide began to turn. They had three homeruns, with the final score being 5-3!

But I'm getting ahead of myself. We got to see April, the boys waved their personal homemade American flags, we all had hot dogs, Baby Bear lost a pound or two sweating while I fed her, Dad and I trekked the boys over to the playground just in time for them to kick us out for fireworks prep, and we watched a really great fireworks show. Okay, now I'm caught up. Oh, and we had a great parking spot.

During fireworks, Baby Bear sat in my lap, ears covered by me, enjoying the show! She didn't seem bothered at all until part of the finale, probably because she could feel my heartrate increasing. Bubby loved it all, and Popo liked it, but was fairly scared, as he likes to admit. Mom and I turned to check on him (he was sitting in Papa's lap), and he put on his "I'm scared to death, but trying to be a big boy" smile. It still hurts me to picture him. But then he got a little better.

We had a great day overall. We had a successful outing to Target, then lunch at Firehouse. Then I even got a couple minutes' sleep at naptime! I'm not sure what we're going to do for the holiday tomorrow. Honestly, tonight's show was so good, I might be okay if we don't see one tomorrow night.

We're almost a quarter into Daddy's big trip, yay!

Now, none of these were edited, it's almost midnight people. Deal with it. (Okay, I'm actually telling myself to deal with it.)


  1. The picture with you and Anna is so funny. "You will watch these fireworks and you will enjoy it!" I'm so glad it was a fun time.

  2. Girlfriend, I don't edit any of my pictures yet. Who has time for that?! :o)
