Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Okay, missed days...

Last Thursday Memaw came to town.  We went to Mom's house to greet her and have dinner and such.  It was a really lovely time.  The boys "caught" some fish in the pond again.  Dad catches one, then tortures it by leaving it on the line to let the boys keep catching it.  They think it's the neatest thing ever, and Popo even touched it.  Popo, of all boys.

Memaw spent most of the day Friday here at our house, helping me and the kids.  We got to talk a lot, and she helped me by dealing with one age group when I had to deal with the other.  That was also a very nice time.

Saturday...  Umm...  I've forgotten this stuff already.  Oh, we went to Mom's again, hoping to do something fun outside.  Then it rained.  SURPRISE SURPRISE!  So we went and walked around the mall with Mom and Memaw.

Sunday we went to church, then out to lunch with my parents and Memaw.  That was fun and filling.  After we all took naps, we... did... something.  Umm...  Okay, I don't think I'm going to remember.

Monday I went to work, but left a little early to come get our modem and take it to the local Comcast shop.  They swapped it out for me, no big deal, but then it took me a long time to get it all set up at home.  We seem to be having issues with the signal coming through all the wires required to get to the modem, so there was a lot of trial and error.  Then Comcast was trying to make me activate my account again, so I had to call customer service to fix that.  DON'T call Comcast's 800 number!  It has a ridiculous set of menus, and just when you think you'll get to someone, you get the local number's menu anyway.  FYI, the local Jax number is 374-8000.  I have it memorized, just like Dad.  Once you have to deal with them, you'll understand.  (P.S., now our cable doesn't work right, and the girl on the phone just told me I have to swap out my cable box too.  I'm fairly convinced this is a larger issue, but I want a new box anyway.  So I think I'll have to do that tomorrow, install it, have it still not work right, then call to have them send someone out.  I think this Comcast junk has been the most stressful part of Brandon's time away...)

Then we ate dinner at Keith and Laurie's.  We had yummy tilapia, and Popo actually ate a little!  Bubby ate basically nothing.  So when we pulled up to the house, he was asking me for lunch.  Sorry Bubb!

I'm planning on posting the beach pictures tomorrow.  Today I've been some of the most exhausted yet.

Oh, I'll share about a big scare soon too.


  1. Have you been keeping up with drawing pics on your calendar?

  2. Wow! What big blue beautiful eyes! Is he one of the boys that touched the tortured fish? :)

    I understand you are having issues with our service. I work for Comcast and I will make sure that the issue is escalated for you. You can send me the phone number on the account if you would like my assistance.

    I apologize for the trouble.

    Mark Casem
    Comcast Corp.
    National Customer Operations
