Friday, October 2, 2009

You'd think I didn't feed her...

I'm sorry, but I'm incredibly tired again, so this is going to be super short and boring.

We didn't get to hang out with Joshua today because he was deemed contagious by the doctor, so we missed him.

I got a lot of work done on a work database, which was lots of fun.  I so love working in Access.  If anyone out there thinks of some random listing they'd like to do cool things with or anything, I'm more than willing to make something up for you.  I just love it.

We did enjoy starting our cutting and stickers and pasting workbooks, coloring, and driving our cars around.  Baby Bear did lots more exploring.  We tried to get to the library, but it was already closed.  So we got some stuff at Bed Bath N' Beyond we needed to pick up.  Then we tried to watch a Mickey Mouse movie someone gave us, but it didn't work right.  So we watched some Spongebob on DVD while we ate some ice cream.

They haven't had ice cream but maybe 5 times in their life.  They did such a good job eating it, considering they weren't looking at the bowl or spoon the entire time, hehe.

I'm feeling like it's time to ask for help, but I just don't know.  I can't seem to get caught up on sleep, and there are a few errands I need to get done.  But I can't picture what kind of help I need, and I despise asking.  I haven't snapped yet, and I'm really excited about just how far God has helped me stretch, but I don't want to get to that point either.

G'nite ever-body!

And happy birthday to Grammy!


  1. Do you think I could help?

    I would like to, if I could (meaning if have the ability to and if you would allow)...

  2. Anna has the sweet ability to make you just smile!! I wish I could help you!!! :-( No, wait I can... I'll pray a bunch for you! :-) You can do it!!
    Oh, and I love access!!! I got to make a few databases when I was working at JYS and I had so much fun!!
